Monday, April 13, 2020

A new book on Community Radio / சமுதாய வானொலி பற்றி ஒரு புதிய புத்தகம்

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One more interesting book on Community Radio. Congratulations to Prof. Kanchan K Malik and Prof. Vinod Pavarala.

சமுதாய வானொலி குறித்த புத்தகங்கள் தமிழில் சுத்தமாக இல்லை. ஆங்கிலத்தில் கூட அவ்வப்போது தான் வெளிவருகின்றது. அப்படியான ஒரு மிக முக்கிய புத்தகம் ஒன்று இப்பொழுது வெளியாகியுள்ளது. என்ன, விலை தான் கொஞ்சம் அதிகம்!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: Community Radio in South Asia: A Roadmap for Media Democracy

Kanchan K. Malik and Vinod Pavarala



2. Deliberating Community Radio in India: A Policy Ethnography   

Preeti Raghunath

3. Community Radio in Bangladesh: Policy and Practice

Mohammad Sahid Ullah

4. Community Radios of Nepal: Trajectory of a Cultural Movement

Sudhamshu Dahal

5. Community Radio in Sri Lanka: Need for Legal Recognition and Community Ownership

M. C. Rasmin and W.A.D.P. Wanigasundera


6. Beyond the Development Trap: NGOization of Community Radio in India

Vinod Pavarala

7. Radio Spectrum Management: Implications for Community Radio in South Asia

Ram Bhat

8. The Paradoxes of Technology: Reflections about Community Radio in South Asia

Hemant Babu

9. Women and Community Radio in South Asia: The Participation and Empowerment Dilemmas

Kanchan K. Malik

10. Community Radio in the Times of Disaster: Contemplations for South Asia

Ashish Sen

11. Not Quite There Yet: Sustainability of Community Radio in South Asia

N. Ramakrishnan and Venu Arora


12. Conflict and Community Radio in India: Solutions Possible and Impossible

Pradip Ninan Thomas

13. Evaluating Community Radio: An Analysis of a Toolkit for Self-Assessment

Vasuki Belavadi

14. Mapping Material Media Practices: The DDS Sangam Radio in India

Madhavi Manchi

15. Grassroots Democracy via Community Radio: A Case Study in Rural India

Bidu Bhusan Dash

16. Community Radio for Creating Communication Channels: Theoretical Musings Emanating from Himalayan Rural Locales

Priya Kapoor


1 comment:

QSL WORLD said...

Super sir...Need to check any digital version..